Friday, December 08, 2006

The Friday Fish Wrap

I can remember my father, a really terrific chap, calling the Friday newspaper the Fish Wrap. I guess it was his Protestant ethic of eating fish on Fridays, and the fish monger would wrap the purchase in the morning's paper. I can't imagine any other explanation. Here we are at Friday again, the middle of week four of Jim's long recovery and he's doing quite nicely, thanks. More items on the menu; minestrone soup (not a hit because of the tomato base, but he'll try again tomorrow), apple sauce (tastes like dirt but he'll try again tomorrow), plenty of Manzanilla tea, more apricot nectar. He tried some Wheateena cereal this morning but it is too grainy and hurt his throat. We're talking soft scrambled eggs for tomorrow. As long as he can swallow it I don't really care what it is. The most important thing is to get him eating enough calories to dispense with the feeding tube. We can't travel while he is still using it.

A big storm is forecast for tonight and tomorrow, and it has now started to rain. That will warm things up a bit. Right now it is bitter cold outside, not suitable for evening walks. Rafa, the Costa Rican Jack of All Trades came over this morning to cut away overhanging branches on the roof so we can use the living room fireplace without burning down the house. We'll light up this weekend!


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