Wednesday, November 29, 2006

An Upturn!

Jim was very weak this morning; he could barely walk without leaning against the wall or hanging on to me. I called the doc and made an appointment for him to be seen in the afternoon. He still had had no action on the plumbing issue, so it was time for drastic measures. After two hours of treatment by a really fabulous nurse named Ruby he staggered out and we came home. He was told that if he couldn't continue with what Ruby had gotten started it would be the Emergency Room and sedation to take care of the problem. As soon as we arrived home he (water) closeted himself away to continue where he had left off at the clinic. I was going out for dinner with friends so left him to work. He assured me he was fine! When I got home at 9 PM he was resting but announced that he had had success and was feeling much better! If I am this relieved, think of how he feels!

I had a wonderful evening with friends. Good food, good talk, good company. A lift for my spirits.


At 9:18 AM, Blogger Pica said...

Yay! This is great news.

It was indeed excellent to see you both last night and I think we should do it more often.


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