Monday, December 11, 2006

More Progress

My friend Marie called from Cuyutlán this afternoon to say the weather is warm, the beach is lovely, and "the season" is officially underway, even without us. Here it is cold, wet, windy, foggy and, basically, winter. Now where would you rather be?

Jim's fatigue continues to plague him, despite frequent naps. His throat is still too sore for much swallowing, although he tries various things; tea, ice cream, apricot or peach juice. The egg custard went down OK but didn't taste right. We continue to experiment. As long as he is on the feeding tube we can't plan any travel, so getting shut of it is his first priority. His weight is quite low; 161 as of yesterday. He started treatment at 184. His loss has been about the average. I don't think he is getting enough calories through his tube. That's part of the fatigue issue, too. He will try taking in more calories spread out over the day and see if he can balance his energy a bit better.

Caitlin flew in from Chicago today, a brief zig-zag to Sacramento on her way home to Chicago. This will be a tonic to her Daddy. I expect a full recovery in a couple of days!


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