Saturday, November 04, 2006

Happy the Bride . . .

We (Alex, Caitlin, Susan) are just home from the wedding of our friends' daughter. It was a lovely celebration of love, youth and hope. Here's to the triumph of hope over experience!

It has been a day of rest with no treatment, always a positive. Everything they told me last week is beginning to evidence itself; extreme fatigue mainly, more discomfort, more swallowing problems. But tomorrow is yet another day without treatment and by tomorrow evening Jim will feel even better. The blood pressure is now quite low, more so than I like. He is still taking the meds and they seem to be working. Either that or the blood pressure would have come down anyway.

At the Farmers' Market today there were several craftspersons I had not seen there before. Potters mainly. Beautiful stuff. Bought apple juice (best ever), enough eggplant to get us through several days, gorgeous green beans, a carton of raspberries which we devoured before noon, interesting "designer" squash for the coming week,

I have several pix from the wedding. I'll sort through them and put them up tomorrow. Although it's not particularly late, I am signing off.


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