Thursday, December 14, 2006

Week Five of Recovery

Jim is now in week five of recovery. No matter who I consult about his overwhelming fatigue assures me that it's "normal" at this time. It's no kind of "normal" that I've ever seen, but perhaps "they" know better.

When I left for the dentist's office this morning at 9:15 he was about to take a nap. When I got home at 11:30 he was just getting up. Then there was another nap in the early afternoon. But before that he actually drove himself to the market to get some juices that he can get down and enjoy.

He is now totally off of pain meds; no patch, no morphine, no pills. The discomfort is, apparently, bearable. This is great news as it means not only that the tissues are healing but also that his "organs" will begin to work better. Tonight he had a bit of squash soup (delicious!) and coffee ice cream (ditto). So even though he is exhausted all the time he is beginning to eat a bit more. The aloe juice is helping a bit, too.

He looks very thin to me. His jeans bag around his waist and hips, he has lost his tush, and those great basketball legs are scrawny. But with enough squash soup and coffee ice cream he will get it all back.


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