Saturday, January 06, 2007

New Favorite Food

Jim's new favorite food is ReddiWip, the ghastly sweet whipped cream that comes in a can and can be sprayed on any food in its path. The first thing he sprayed it on was Jello Chocolate Pudding (the cooked kind). Pretty good. The next thing was a big slab of Nugget Market's Champagne Cake. It just didn't taste right, so he added a dollop of chocolate pudding and a swirl of ReddiWip. Le voila! Perfect. My blood sugar surged just looking at it. But he thought it was delicious, and I say, "If he'll eat all those calories and carbs, good for him!" Tonight at the table he tried some barley (too rough going down), some steamed carrots (Yes!), some steamed broccoli (Yes!), and some steamed cauliflower (Yes!). We'll try more of those tomorrow. He is also interested in trying some pasta, well cooked, with just some olive oil. No tomatoes, no garlic, no other kind of sauce.

Several years ago I happened to drive by a house that has the most interesting and welcoming entrance. It appeared on the "Open House" list for this weekend in the real estate section of the paper. I went today to check it out. Yes, the entrance is indeed unique and lovely. The house itself, however, is pedestrian and totally boring. I have put in my remodel time so I am not interested. One of the positive things about looking at other folk's sale houses is how well your own abode measures up!

But I did find out that a house in Davis designed by Cliff May just sold for lots and lots of money (well over $1 million). It is a house I have always admired. I had fantasized that when my ship came in I would walk up to the front door, make my (generous) offer and move in. It has a Southwest flavor, like Santa Fe or Santa Barbara. At Christmas the owners string luminaria along the front of the house, around the patio walls, and around the front drive. I guess it reminds me of Cuyutlán. It didn't even go on the market. It sold by word of mouth. Oh well . . .


At 9:02 AM, Blogger mary ann said...

We are huge fans of lumineria too ~ great descriptions in your post, even the Reddi Whip graph is appealing. Keep writing!


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