Wednesday, June 11, 2008

pumping arnold

Last night we watched Pumping Iron, the movie about our dear gov's competition for yet another Mr. Universe title (he retired from the business after this tournament). It was filmed in 1977 and shows Arnold in all his swaggering, mischievous, egotistical glory. There's even a shot of him smoking a big, fat joint to celebrate his win. However, to watch him charm, strategize and intimidate his opponents - including the "incredible" Lou Ferrigno - is to understand how this seemingly boyish Austrian body builder became somebody (no pun intended).


At 4:28 PM, Blogger mary ann said...

And hasn't he changed since he came into office ~ he's almost tolerable now and certainly impressive during emergency situations. I'm afraid that had he been born in Amer. he'd become President, don't you think?

At 5:41 PM, Blogger The Fevered Brain said...

Yes, I do. Or at least he'd try. I agree that he's been quite a surprise as governor. But after seeing the movie, I'm not surprised. He's one smart Plätchen!


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