Friday, March 23, 2007

Breakfast at Yuyo's

Three friends and I went off to El Paraiso, the next little squalid beach town down the road, for a delicious breakfast at Yuyo's: huevos rancheros, jugo de naranja, tortillas y frijoles. That should hold me until dinner! This is the view from our table, seaside. The beach front in El Paraiso is lined with palm-roofed restaurants, each a bit more dicey than the last. But we have never been sick after eating in any of them, so I just figure my system recognizes what's coming and doesn't get all in a dither. The fish is also very good, and the shrimp are excellent. The beach there is better than the one in Cuyutlán; no riptide, a gentler surf, more firmly packed sand that's easy for walking. And while we watched, one of the local fishing boats rode ashore on a gentle wave. We used to have quite a bit of fishing in our town but for some reason the industry died. We know the water is healthy, or at least the brown pelicans and gulls think so. They troll up and down all day long, diving every so often for a morsel.

While I was off having a fine time the Patient was making pie crust so I can make a quiche for dinner. He is the resident pastry chef on this one. He uses a fool-proof recipe he got from either his mother or his sister, can't remember which. And it works every time. So tonight is shrimp quiche. I have had more cholesterol in the last two days than I have had in six months. Bring on the statins!


At 9:59 PM, Blogger mary ann said...

Oh, that looks so peaceful and beautiful. How did the quiche turn out?


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