A walk around the city
We have had a wonderful 10 days in the alta plana, a completely different atmosphere than the coast. For one thing it is very, very dry ~ nose-bleed, skin-scale dry. I, for one, will be glad to get back to the humidity of the beach. And of course you don’t see people in shorts and sandals. It’s sweaters, rebosas, boots, hats and serapes. I’ll be glad to shed a few layers of "warmies" and get back into the "coolies".
This morning we went out in search of the pottery street market we went to a few years ago. Nowhere to be seen. Instead, we stumbled into one of the best tiangues I’ve ever seen. Blocks and blocks of gorgeous fruits and vegetables in such eye-popping color, abundance and variety. I would guess it covered about five square blocks around the permanent open market. If I lived here I know where I would spend my Sunday mornings!
These are the smallest papaya I have ever seen, about the size of a grapefruit instead of a football. I have had some every morning for breakfast with a squirt of lime to bring out their delicate flavor.
These are cascabel peppers, the absolute hottest you can find. Use sparingly … if at all.
Tomorrow morning we leave this lovely place and head home. The Patient, who is driving and therefore gets to choose the route, has decided that we will drive due south to Lazero Cardenas and Playa Azul and then head north to Tecoman and on to Cuyutlán. There is a new cuota (toll) road from here to the coast, but from there north it is a twisty 2-lane job that we have driven once before and is, for me, a terrible drive. I get car sick easily. AND this road is notorious forbanditos who set up "road blocks" and liberate all your goods and, frequently, your car. But as I said, the Patient gets to choose the route. I'll check in when we get home and let you know how we fared. Or I won't.
Wow, I love the red/white buildings, the sleeping dogs and all the veggies. If you get stopped by Banditos, pls.tell The Patient he will have to answer to me. Men can be so stubborn, have you ever noticed?
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