Monday, March 10, 2008

an unremarkable monday

Except that every day here is a marvel, this was fairly ordinarily marvelous. Tiangues this morning with the usual fare, except the really good fruit vendor was a no-show, lunch of last night's uneaten tacitos, reading and kitchen antics this afternoon. Made some pasta sauce for dinner but the actual noodles are interesting; they are spaghetti-length macaroni with a hole in the middle, like a straw. We'll see.

But the evening brought this beautiful sunset to us.

We haven't had any really stunning nightfalls lately; no clouds, or too many. But tonight may be the herald of gorgeous evenings to come, now that the cold weather seems to be over and spring is here. This photo was taken on the 3rd floor under the palapa that we have ringed with twinkle lights. Quite magical.


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