Friday, February 16, 2007

The weather is so delightful

The Patient was in the garden today, soaking up the sun and pruning, clipping, digging. I was right behind him picking-up and planting. He cut down the zylosma along the driveway. This big hedge is responsible for housing the birds that poop all over my car. They are just going to have to find new quarters. I cut back the wisteria and a Japanese elm so the newly planted roses will get enough sun during the summer months. I also discovered that the geraniums on the east side of the house survived the frost. Those on the north side did not. Alas. Likewise the Gerbera daisies succumbed as did the plumbago along the fence. Around the garden, framing the pool, we have Cape Honeysuckle shrubs. They lost all their leaves (they are evergreens) in the frost, but I think the actual plants survived. I hope the red trumpet vine did, too. We won't know until we get back and see what's leafing out. Strangely, the oregano plants are thriving; the sage bit the dust. Go figure.

As you can see the daffodil bulbs continue to make their way through the soil into the sunlight. I don't think we'll be here when they finally bloom. But here's the second picture charting their progress.

On my morning walk I checked out the gardens along my route. They are a riot of color, blossom and scent. Plus all the dogs in the neighborhood were out enjoying the beautiful weather. Yesterday I saw The Fonz, a Wheaton terrier. This morning there was the haughty Labradoodle, an old and quite elegant Golden Retriever, and the rambunctous young Weimaraner who is alway so eager to play.

Here's the question. While sitting in the living room reading I heard some strange noises coming from the guest bathroom. I investigated and what I heard was Jim snoring. He had falled asleep on the toilet. This is the guy who wants to drive to Mexico. Should I be concerned?


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