the end of the vouganbillea
That is not a typo. Spanish pronounces the “b” as a “v” and the “v” as a “b”. Hence: vouganbillea. Seems to me they could just reverse the process?
Tonight we decided to go out to dinner. Then we decided we could do several chores AND go to dinner, too. So we took off for Tecoman about 4:30 so I could try, once again, to get my hair cut. Then we were going to investigate a few more tile shops, and end up at La Hacienda for dinner. Hair cut? No, only pedicures today. Come back Monday. Tile shops? We forgot that shops close at noon on Saturday. Dinner at La Hacienda? Sorry, we're closed tonight. Three up, three down. So back to our old standby, La Jacaranda in Armeria, ordered a pizza to go and came home.
There are two celebrations in Cuyutlán tonight and we should get the musical brunt of both of them. One is a boda, wedding party, at the San Rafael Hotel on the beach. The daughter of the owner is the bride. Big party, big speakers, big dance floor, big noise. The other is a quinceñero, the "coming out" party that Mexican kids have when they turn fifteen. It is in a venue in the middle of town, so we will get that musical treatment from back side, too. But it's only one night, it's what they do here, so suck it up and don't complain. Right?
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