Saturday, November 29, 2008

table with a view

This was the view across the bay to the San Diego skyline from our table at the Coronado Il Fornaio. I met my long-time (50 years) friend for lunch today and we got all caught up, even though I saw her at our high school reunion only 6 months ago. I need not reiterate here all that has happened in the world since then. We talked about all of it.

But before that I had to make an assault on commerce to replace missing under-garments. Macy's was almost deserted at 10 AM this morning. I was able to dash in, choose a few tasteful items, and get out without too much trouble. I will now be able to appear fully dressed (and trussed) until my old stand-bys arrive in January.

Now it's time to pack up and get ready to take off early tomorrow morning. The Patient has whipped up a big pot of turkey soup for our dinner tonight and to take with us on the road tomorrow. If we get away early ~ there was dense fog this morning so it may be a bit later ~ we will make it to Tucson by about 3 PM. There may be internet connection at our hotel. If not, it will be next Friday before I can get back to the blog. By that time there will be 45 days left until Inauguration Day. But as of today,

51 days until 1/20/2009: End of an Error


At 6:32 PM, Blogger mary ann said...

Oh, I know that feeling. You can picture the item you've forgotten right where you left it (so you couldn't possibly forget to pack it.)
Well, good that you helped Macy's make Plan.


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