Saturday, February 17, 2007

Gastronomic progress

For dinner tonight the Patient requested pizza. Imagine! He can hardly get down bland soft foods and he wants pizza. So we ordered a salami, mushroom and green pepper from our favorite local restaurant, Symposium. This temple of Greek food makes the best pizza in town. The Patient also bought a 12-pack of Newcastle Brown Ale. He's in training for really good Mexican beer.

I chatted with Marie in Cuyutlán, asking her to do some shopping for me at the weekly tiangis street market. You know, a few avocados, a papaya, a pineapple, some redondos (round zucchini-type squash). I want to have a few things on hand when we get there. Fernando and Chouy have prepared the house for our arrival. It will be so nice to move right in. We usually have several days of unpacking, cleaning, shooing off of mice, cucarachas that have taken up residence during the summer, various spiders and other livestock. I have been assured that all this has been taken care of and the house is ready and waiting. Meanwhile, the packing piles are getting bigger and bigger.

On my walk today I went in a different direction to check out other gardens. They are all pretty much the same; bulbs blooming in massed beds, almond trees covered with delicate white blossoms, Linden trees with a haze of pale green buds about to burst, rose bushes sprouting little red leaves that will turn green soon. Someone planted bulbs along one of the thorofares in this neighborhood so there are clusters of jonquils to lighten the spirits. Random acts of kindness I'd say.


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